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Pazin UP_ elementi za web


User:  City of Pazin

Partner: Development agency the heart of Istria

Associates: Polytechnic in Rijeka and Association of Craftsmen Pazin

Total value of the project:  HRK 2,901,381.39

EU co-financing of the project: HRK 2,730,093.31

Duration of the project: 01.02.2018. until 01.08.2019.

Contact person:

Sandra Frančula

Associate in office administration and projects

Development Agency Heart of Istria



Project description:

Through the project Entrepreneurship Incubator in Pazin, the unused office space in Pazin will be reconstructed and adapted and provide future users - beginning entrepreneurs, with five fully furnished and equipped business spaces for starting entrepreneurial activities, a multimedia space for holding workshops and meetings, and the office of the head of the incubator. Products and services will be created that are used by beginning entrepreneurs in the development of their business, with the purpose of attracting investments and creating opportunities to create new jobs in the SME sector. It is a response to the real needs of the local economy and entrepreneurship, which are conditioned by global economic and market trends, but also by the state of the local economy and entrepreneurial climate.


Purpose of the project is to establish the business support infrastructure of the Business Incubator in Pazin with related services for start-up entrepreneurs. Within the scope of the incubator as a business infrastructure, users will be provided with general and specialized infrastructure, equipment and related services needed by companies in their initial steps in consolidating their business and ensuring sufficient capacity to continue operating in the open market with developed competition from the country and abroad. The capacities of the incubator will respond to the needs of start-up entrepreneurs, i.e. to the demands placed on them in the segments of business, human resource development, business management, finding financial resources for further investments, networking and exchanging ideas with other entrepreneurs as well as a wider range of stakeholders from other areas, especially in the initial period of business.


Expected results of the project the realization of which will contribute to the achievement of the stated purpose are the following:


  • An established, equipped and functional Entrepreneurial Incubator as a business-entrepreneurial infrastructure in Pazin intended for beginning entrepreneurs;

  • Created infrastructure products and services used by start-up entrepreneurs in the development of their business, with the purpose of attracting investments and creating opportunities to create new jobs in the SME sector;

  • Improved capacities for cooperation  entrepreneurs-beginners among themselves, but also in relation to other (existing) companies in the direction of increased exchange of entrepreneurial ideas and all other segments of knowledge with the aim of developing new products with a high level of competitiveness on the open market;

  • Increased awareness of the wider business community about the significance of the activities of the Entrepreneurial Incubator in Pazin as a basic prerequisite for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, and improved awareness of the wider public about the importance of incubators in the segment of economic growth and development, the creation of new jobs and business opportunities for the population at the local and wider regional level.

Pazin UP_ elementi za web
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